Humans tend to act out of self-interest, and attention for other life is often lost. This is why I give other life forms a guiding role in my work. By providing more insight into non-human life, I want to blur and question the imaginary separation between humans and nature. In addition, with this method I try to circumvent the fast pace of contemporary life and provide more space for the emerging of an organic, conscious process. This contrasts with modern human life in which efficiency, human progress and capital have become priority. In my work I am driven by my interest in ecology and I investigate my position within it as both a person and maker. The relationship between human and non-human life forms is there-fore guiding in my process.
Through creative, sensory and literary research, I delve into landscapes and ecosystems to broaden my perspective beyond the human experience. I work with inconspicuous life forms, using alternative photographic techniques and natural materials to reduce my ecological impact. By making developers from plants or letting photos be affected by fungi, my work acquires a specific materiality that is deeply connected to its subject.
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